I would like to review the Terms of Service.

The Terms of Service can be found here.

What is the system requirements to use SAN-EI Ticket Service?

【Operating Systems】
Android, iOS *Latest version
【Supported Browsers】
Google Chrome, Safari *Latest version

Check your OS, browser and security software settings before using the service.
On smartphones, please use Chrome for Android and Safari for iPhone.
※We do not guarantee that the service will work on all devices enen if you meet the requirements listed above.

Where can I make ticket inquiries?

If you have any questions about purchasing tickets, please refer to the FAQ and User’s Guide first.
If they do not answer your question please contact us as follows.

For inquiries about TOKYO AUTO SALON 2024 tickets


To purchase tickets for TOKYO AUTO SALON 2024, you need to sign up for a SAN-EI Ticket Service account.

Japanese residents who use e-mail service provided by mobile company (e.g.@docomo.ne.jp,@ezweb.ne.jp or @softbank.ne.jp) must set your spam filter settings to whitelist the domains shown below BEFORE purchasing tickets.
Failure to do so may result in our email,showing that your order has been completed, not being delivered to you.

Domains that have to be whitelisted:

TOKYO AUTO SALON 2024 tickets
@san-ei-corp.co.jp (to be sent to you upon completion of ticket purchase)
@tokyoautosalon.jp (to be sent to you when responding to your inquiries)
@moala.fun (to be sent to you when you use the e-tickets)

How to purchase

①Go to the purchase page of the date you want to visit, choose the number of ticket(s) to purchase and tap the ‘Add to cart’ button.
②Confirm that your order is correct on the cart page (Your cart) and tap the 'checkout' button to proceed to payment.
③Those who have registered for SAN-EI TIcket Service, ‘SIGN IN’ with your registered email address and passoword. Those who have not, ‘SIGN UP (Creat an account)’.
※If this is your second or subsequent purchase, you can make a purchase while logged in to My Account.
④Once the payment is done, your order is completed.

・An automatic reply will be sent shortly from “@tokyoautosalon.jp” to your registered email address to notify you about your order confirmation.
・In the ‘Order History’ of My Account, you can find what you have purchased. You need to sign in with your registered email address and password to enter My Account.

I haven’t received an order confirmation email.

①Please whitelist the domain @tokyoautosalon.jp which the confirmation email is sent from.
②Check if the confirmation email is in your spam/junk mail folder.
③Log in to My Account by tapping the human-shaped icon in the upper right corner of the store’s homepage and check that the email address you registered is correct.
※If the email address is incorrect, please contact us with your registered telephone number, name and address. You may be asked to re-register your account.

I want to check if my order has been placed correctly.

Upon completion of your order procedure, an order confirmation email will be sent automatically to your registered email address within approx. 10 minutes.
-Log in to My Account. Your order has been completed if your order details are shown in the “Order History”.

If your order details do not appear in the “Order History”, your order has not been completed. Please try the order again.

I want to delete my SAN-EI Ticket Service account.

Deleting your account will prevent you from opening your purchased ticket(s).
You may delete your SAN-EI Ticket Service account after the show, but your order histrory will be reteined in our system for two weeks. Your account deta cannot be restored once deleted.

If you have understood and accepted the above and want to delete your account, you can do so in My Account.

How do I update my details?

You can edit your profile by logging in to My Account.

I forgot my password for SAN-EI Ticket Service.

You can reissue your password on the login page .

How do I change my email address and/or password?

You can edit your profile by logging in to My Account.

Can I buy tickets on my tablet?

Tablet devices are not guaranteed to work. An iOS/Android smartphone is required to use the digital ticket.

I do not have a smartphone. Can I still buy a ticket?

Tickets can also be purchased on a computer. Print the ticket and bring it to the entrance.

Are there paper tickets available?

No paper tickets are available. TOKYO AUTO SALON 2024 tickets are all e-tickets.

Can one person buy several tickets?

Up to 10 tickets can be purchased. Click here to see how to transfer tickets.


How can I make a payment?

Payment must be made by credit card.

Are there any fees involved?

Ticketing fees apply when issuing digital tickets (110 JPY per ticket, tax included).

What credit card brands do you accept?

We accept VISA, Master Card and American Express.



How do I use digital tickets?

Tickets sold on this website employ MOALA Ticket, a digital ticketing service provided by playground Co., Ltd.
Upon completion of your ticket purchase, you will receive an e-mail from “@moala.fun” with the subject line “[Sanei Ticket Service] Ticket has been issued”. Tap the link in the email to display the ticket. Manage your spam/junk mail filter and whitelist “@moala.fun” to receice the e-mail properly. The ticket link can also be found on My Account.

Click here for instructions on how to use the digital ticket.

The purchased ticket does not appear on My Account.

Upon completion of your ticket purchase, you will receive an e-mail with the link to access your digital tickets. Tickets can also be found on My Account, but it may take some time before your purchased ticket(s) are available on My Account.

The “Show Ticket” button is greyed out and I can’t tap on it.

Tickets are activated only on the day of the event. You are unable to access your ticket (QR code) on your smartphone until then.

What is the recommended system requirements for using digital tickets?

Operating system
iOS: 14.0 or higher
Android: 6.0 or higher

Supported browsers
Safari and Chrome

※We do not guarantee that the service will work on all smartphones. If it does not work on your smartphone, ask the on-site staff for instructions on what to do.
※Tablet devices are not guaranteed to work.

How can I locate the purchased ticket?

If you are the purchaser, you can find it on My Account or the e-mail from us with the link to display the ticket.
If you are the one from whom the ticket has been transferred by the purchaser, you can find it on instant messenger or e-mail where you have received the ticket link.

I can no longer access my ticket due to my smartphone upgrade or loss of the link.

If you are the purchaser, you can find it on My Account or the e-mail from us with the link to display the ticket.
If you are the one from whom the ticket has been transferred by the purchaser, ask the purchaser to re-transfer the ticket.

I am an Android user. When I access the ticket link, I get an error message saying ‘could not establish a secure connection’.

Trying the following solutions may fix your problem:
・Re-open the ticket in Chrome or Firefox
・Clear your browser’s cache and browsing history, and re-open the ticket.

I tried to open a ticket and got an error message.

The solution depends on the error message you got.
①In case you got “It is taking time to reach the page”:
You may be connected to a low-speed network. Check your internet connection.
②In case you got “The ticket does not exist”:
If you have copied and pasted the ticket link directly into your browser, the link may be incorrect. Try accessing your ticket on My Account or the e-mail  from us with the ticket link. If you are the one from whom the ticket has been transferred by the purchaser, you can find it on instant messenger or e-mail where you have received the ticket link.

I have registered my visitor details incorrectly.

Registered visitor details cannot be changed. Check what you have typed thoroughly and make sure there aren’t any mistakes before making registration.

Can I enter the event with a screenshot of my ticket?

No. A screenshot of the ticket does not allow entry. Be sure to open your ticket on your smatphone otherwise print it out from your computer.



How do I transfer my tickets to a friend?

Click here to learn how to transfer your tickets.

I’ve transferred tickets and now my ticket is gone.

You may have opened the ticket link that has already been transferred to your friend. Check My Account or the e-mail from us with the link to display the ticket.

The person to whom I want to transfer ticket does not have a smartphone.

If that person (transferee) has a computer, the ticket can be transferred. If that transferee does not have either a computer or a smartphone, he/she should enter the event with you (the purchaser) having two tickets for him/her and yourself.

Even if the transferee has a SAN-EI Ticket Service account, his/her ticket does not appear on his/her My Account. His/her ticket can be located on his/her instant messenger or e-mail where he/she has recevied the ticket link.

How do I register visitor details of the person who I transfer a ticket to?

Transfer a ticket first, and ask him/her to register his/her own visitor details.

I have transferred a ticket to a wrong person.

①In case the recipient hasn’t accepted the ticket yet:

You, the purchaser, can cancel the transfer yourself.
②In case the recipient has already accepted the ticket:

The recipient can always transfer it back to you.